Wednesday, June 2, 2010

SwearJarr?? Huh

So my roommate is going to love this.... She is a Twitter fanatic, no joke! She can't even go to sleep without twitting first, its kinda sad if you ask me. Anyways shes also into helping out others. I was looking through and found this link about twitter creating a swearjarr, each time someone swears it charges them a fee, well its more like you can choose to donate, but either way whatever you donate will go to a charity that twitter chooses at the beginning of each month...pretty cool huh? Here is the link check it out.


Andy said...

I'd be in trouble with that one. heh....

Roselie said...

Yeah so would I, if it were a requirement to pay id delete me twitter account right this sec.

Stef said...

I just come up with creative ways of swearing, like "f'n"... it says what I want to say without offending delicate sensibilities.

A "Swear Jar" seems like a silly idea to me.

An Okie Sample said...

I agree with Stef. I say things instead like "what the eff?" lol... but i give ya props for trying to break a bad habit! :)

Roselie said...

With the sailor family I have im sure as soon as I told them im trying to break the habit they'd laugh in m y face! But hey twitters got a good idea here, it could really help out a lot and its going to put them on the map, even more then they already are.