Friday, June 4, 2010

Creativity = FAIL?

As children we prided ourselves on being able to make just about anything out of a cardboard box. Shows like Barney taught children to use their imagination but even Barney was ridiculed. I, like many of us, denied the existence of Barney, when in reality I owned the Barney board games... So yes I agree with Ken Robinsons, creativity doesn't just consist on being a good artist or being a musician. Children are creative every day of their lives until someone teaches them that every thing has a purpose and it can only be used that way. Right is right and wrong better not be within 20 feet of you vocabulary! That box that once was a gateway to the universe is now just that, a cardboard box where ever toy and gadget that once opened their minds to a whole new world, get stashed in and moved to the darkest corner of the attic!

1 comment:

Anita said...

This is a great picture and a true depiction of what Mr. Robinson was referring to.