Thursday, June 10, 2010

Help me I cant get up!

So, Hmmm I just realized that I start a lot of my post with so...anyways, I've been experiencing sleep paralysis a lot lately. Ive always struggled with it, when I say struggle I mean struggle, literally, but lately it's gotten a lot worse! Ive had it two days in a row this week and yesterday when it happened I struggled to get up for about 15min. I finally got my foot to move so I tried to get my sisters attention with it, as I was napping on her couch, I guess she finally realized that something was wrong so she came over all panicked, by then though I finally had forced myself to open my eyes! I'm seriously starting to worry about this! So I've decided to no longer nap!! Anyways, I was looking at art and came upon this painting by Salvador Dali, he too struggled with sleep paralysis and this painting was based on his struggle. Its called "Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bumblebee Around a Pomegranate One Second before Awakening."
Just thought it would be something interesting for you'll to look at.


Asidney said...

omg that is SO wierd!!! You should tell your doctor!!!! lol

nick r said...

I woulda helped u out...

Amanda's Angels said...

Sleep Paralysis is often related to stress cousin. I had it two times this week too! So let stress go away and keep napping because its good for you. It technically does not hurt you to go through sleep paralysis. So dont worry lovely. Love you!

Aimee Daniels said...

So scary!

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